Saturday, October 06, 2018

CHRISTIANS and friendship, or not...


It's been my experience that CHRISTIANS don't want to be your friend or develop long standing relationships. They're modus operandi is for them to look at you, make a determination, if they think you have already been saved, they may say, "Hello" from time to time, and even invite you to their church or Bible Study.

What they are looking for is "fresh meat" what I mean by that is someone that they determine has not been "saved" a presumptuous judgment, even if it is a judgment, it's a judgment nonetheless that you need "saving". Once they have made that determination that you need saving they go to work on you with the "full press court" till they get you saved.

Once they have gotten you either saved or made a determination that you are not going to allow yourself to be saved their way or up to their stands they drop you like a bad habit, and move onto the next piece of "fresh meat." Then it's onward and upward and/or thus and such!

How's that for a judgment about one of the most significant movements in the evolution of mankind in 7 sentences or thereabouts. Don't hear this as a negative criticism because it is not. Christianity is a wonderful thing! The only problem is that it is left in the hands of human beings and therein lies the problem.

As fuked up as the human race is how can there be any other outcome other than the "bastardization" of Christianity! I know there are some saints but too few to go around!! Now, if I said this about some other religions whose name I won't mention other than the first letter starts with an "M" and the last letter might be "m", also, they would put out a directive, something called a thing that starts with an "f" and ends with a "shit, I don't know cause I can't read that language" but I'd have a line of people at my door trying to kill me!!!