Friday, October 03, 2008

St. Albertus Polish Roman Catholic Church's "foot print" 1884...

This map of the entire St. Albertus Complex dates from sometime after February 14, 1884. As you can see Canfield St. use to be called Fremont St. This is the kind of stuff that makes things difficult to track down because the street names changed all through the years and the numbering systems changed at different times, also. This is a Sanborn Map that was used by property and casualty insurance companies that insured the various properties. So, things relevant to property insurance needs are delineated i.e. lighting, heating, fuel, etc. If you know what you’re looking for it can always be found if it exists. Notice that the old church is still standing on what is the site of what is the current rectory, today. The new church is under construction which tells us that this snapshot is from the time of Fr. Dominic Kolasinski's pastorate in early 1884 after the contract for construction was signed on the above mentioned February 1884 date. The 1st St. Albertus School on the NW corner of Fremont (Canfield) St. and St. Aubin listed on this Sanborn Map is long gone and the one that is currently right behind and west of the current church was not even a thought, yet. Notice that on these original blueprints the wrong name was listed inside the section of the new and old churches and the school. It is referred to as "Church of St. Albert" in both the old and new churches and as "School of St. Albert Parish" in the school on the blueprint when in fact the name is St. Albertus. But, there was some mix up concerning the official name of the church that we will explore in later postings.

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